Bloemfontein’s Thapelo Nkanyane wins Starbucks SA’s National Barista Championship

SA’s barista king, Thapelo Nkanyane will represent South Africa at the EMEA Barista Championship in London, where he will be up against 43 super-skilled Starbucks baristas. Picture: Supplied.

SA’s barista king, Thapelo Nkanyane will represent South Africa at the EMEA Barista Championship in London, where he will be up against 43 super-skilled Starbucks baristas. Picture: Supplied.

Published Aug 7, 2023


Johannesburg - It’s official: Bloemfontein brews the best coffee. Starbucks South Africa held its annual National Barista Championship in Cape Town and this year’s competition took a thrilling turn.

Seven Starbucks district champions competed against each other, representing various parts of South Africa, including the bustling cityscape of Johannesburg, the picturesque shores of Cape Town, and the vibrant streets of Durban.

The seven regional champions faced the awe-inspiring task of defeating more than 400 of Starbucks South Africa's finest baristas spread across the nation. The true test of their craft and expertise unfolded as they navigated through the rounds of this challenging competition, showcasing their skills and passion for the art of coffee.

The crowd saw remarkable displays of artistry, creativity, and precision in every mesmerising pour, leaving no doubt that the future of coffee in South Africa is in talented hands.

Thapelo Nkanyane from Starbucks Mimosa Mall, Bloemfontein, clinched the prestigious title as the National Barista Champion for 2023 with his exceptional skills and creativity. Supplied image.

The event culminated in a “leader pitch” outlining their vision to develop the brand, promote a coffee culture and develop partners. This presentation was made to a distinguished panel of Starbucks SA judges, including the current reigning Starbucks International Barista Champion.

With two worthy and inseparable contenders tied for the title, the final decision rested on a sudden-death latte art throwdown, where Thapelo Nkanyane from Starbucks Mimosa Mall, Bloemfontein, showed exceptional skills and creativity, clinching the prestigious title as the National Barista Champion for 2023.

Outperforming the six other district champions, Thapelo's skill, knowledge, and innovation in coffee preparation shone through in a series of challenges, including personal favourite coffee tastings and storytelling, knowledge of ethical sourcing and general coffee facts, latte art showcases and beverage innovations.

“This journey has been remarkable. Being crowned as the winner is a dream come true,” said an elated Nkanyane.

Thapelo Nkanyane from Starbucks Mimosa Mall, Bloemfontein clinched the prestigious title as the National Barista Champion for 2023 with his exceptional skills and creativity. Supplied image.

Nkanyane will represent South Africain October at the EMEA Barista Championship in London, where he will be up against 43 super-skilled Starbucks baristas. Despite the expected high-pressure environment, Thapelo expressed confidence, thanks to his dedication to hard work, detailed preparation and the support of his colleagues and mentors.

Thapelo has also been rewarded with a trip to one of the many Starbucks roasting plants, in Amsterdam, where he will learn first-hand about Starbucks' ethical sourcing practices, quality processes and standards, coffee roasting and innovation processes.

When asked about how he planned to showcase South Africa’s unique coffee culture and flavours, Thapelo said: “Coffee is a language that connects a guest and a barista, bringing unity to nations. In South Africa, we take pride in cherishing the fruity and complex flavours of our coffees, along with those from other origins.”

He also talked about the pressure of competing at a high level, saying: “Pressure will always be present, but I remind myself that with every obstacle comes a lesson, a lesson to learn from. I find my peace within the storm, seeking solace in my faith in God.”

The Saturday Star

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