Grade 12s at Durban’s Al Falaah College credit their faith for their impressive matric results

Al Falaah College matriculant Husnaa Haffejee. Supplied image.

Al Falaah College matriculant Husnaa Haffejee. Supplied image.

Published Jan 21, 2023


Johannesburg - The Grade 12s at Durban’s Al Falaah College produced some of the best results in KwaZulu-Natal in the 2022 National Senior Certificate Examinations (NCS).

Here are the reactions about their matric results from two of the Islamic school’s top matriculants .

Maryam Bassa’s results earned her an invitation to meet with the KZN Education MEC Mbalenhle Frazer.

“Meeting the MEC for education was an incredible experience,” she said. “I’m grateful for the opportunity and I’m proud to be a part of the Al Falaah College family.”

In addition to her academic success, Maryam attributes much of her achievements to the role of her school and Islam in her life.

“My school and my faith have played a huge role in my success,” Bassa said. I’m grateful for the guidance and support I received from my teachers and the school community.“

She has a simple message for the Matric Class of 2023: “Believe in yourself and never give up. With hard work and determination, anything is possible.”

Al Falaah College principal Zaffar Ahmed added, "We are extremely proud of Maryam’s achievements and her example serves as inspiration for all of our students.

“Al Falaah College provides an environment that nurtures academic excellence, and it is with great pleasure that we see our students excel and pursue their goals.”

Another top student at the Durban school, Husnaa Haffejee, was “honoured to have been acknowledged as one of South Africa’s top achievers.”

“I can’t fully express my gratitude to first and foremost Allah (SWT), and to my parents, family, principals, teachers and peers who have offered me their support and guidance,” she said.

Al Falaah College matriculant Husnaa Haffejee. Supplied image.

Haffejee joined the Al-Falaah College family in Grade 5, after her parents decided to return to South Africa from England.

“Alhamdulillah, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah (SWT), I have maintained my position as top student ever since and as such, I received a full scholarship throughout my high school career,” she said.

“I am forever grateful for the education and experiences Al-Falaah College has given to me.”

Haffejee said Al Falaah College is a beacon of Islamic education and has provided her with a solid foundation in secular and religious knowledge.

“The teachers and staff at Al-Falaah College have been instrumental in my academic success, and I am eternally grateful for their backing and counsel.”

Haffejee said the school offered her many opportunities to develop and showcase her skills.

“I have represented the school in numerous competitions and in Grade 6, I received a gold medal for placing among the top 1% in the world in the international ICAS exam.”

During her matric year, Haffejee participated in the National Afrikaans Olympiad and placed first in KZN and third in the country.

“This achievement was notable as I was the only non-Afrikaans name among the top achievers,” she said. “I hold this particular achievement dear to me as when I initially returned from England, I did not know a single word of Afrikaans and was tackling an unknown subject.”

She credits faith with having played a significant role in the success

“I have achieved and Islam teaches us to strive to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave, and instils within us as Muslims an appreciation for learning and teaching. This has definitely helped me to remain focused and motivated throughout my schooling career.”

Haffejee also thanked her parents who supported her throughout her life and schooling journey.

“They have always stood by me and encouraged me to pursue my ambitions, and whenever I doubted myself, they were always there to reassure me of my abilities and I will be eternally indebted to them.”

She added that her grandparents also always kept her in their prayers and she was also thankful for the support of her sister and other loved ones.

“As they say, no man is an island, and I could not have come this far on my own,” she said.

“Alhumdulillah, it has been an honour and a privilege to be a student of Al-Falaah College and I will always cherish the memories and lessons I have learned there, and I look forward to using my education to make a positive impact in the world.

“I am excited for the next chapter in my life, and in shaa Allah, with the support of my loved ones and the guidance of my faith, I will be able to achieve great things.”

The Saturday Star