QUIZ: One-trip wonder or multiple-minibreaker - which one are you?

Are you more of a minibreak person? Take the quiz and find out. Picture: Pexels

Are you more of a minibreak person? Take the quiz and find out. Picture: Pexels

Published Jun 1, 2023


The decision to take one big holiday versus multiple mini ones ultimately depends on your personal preferences and circumstances.

According to Shaun Lamont, Managing Director of First Group Hotels and Resorts, a well-deserved break during a significant holiday, whether it's in the middle of the year or towards the end, presents an excellent opportunity to disconnect from work and daily obligations.

This rejuvenating experience offers ample time to unwind, explore new surroundings and make the most of exciting attractions and events available.

“On the other hand,” he adds, “multiple minibreaks, which seem to be the most popular amongst our guests, are a wonderful way to break up the monotony of daily life and give yourself (and your family) something to look forward to throughout the year.

“Recent studies show that taking frequent short breaks can have even more of a positive impact on our health and overall well-being than going on one or two long holidays a year. They are also budget-friendly with mid-week and out-of-season breaks offering great value for money and requiring less planning and preparation.”

Wondering which one would best suit your budget, schedule, lifestyle and personal preference? First Group has put together a fun quiz to help holidaymakers take the guessing out of what to do with their annual leave:

Are you more of a minibreak person? Take the quiz and find out. Picture: Pexels

1. How much annual leave can you take at one time?

a) Two weeks

b) One to two weeks

c) A few days at a time

2. How much can you afford to spend on holidays this year?

a) R80 000

b) R25 000 - R50 000

c) R20 000

3. How important is relaxation to you?

a) Very important – I need a complete break from work and other responsibilities

b) Not very important – I prefer to stay active and explore new places

c) Somewhat important – I need a break, but I don't mind doing some activities

4. How far do you want to travel?

a) Anywhere in the world

b) Local is lekker

c) Within a few hours of my home

5. How much time do you have for planning and preparation?

a) I have enough time

b) I will make time

c) I hardly have any time

6. How often do you want to travel this year?

a) Once

b) At least once or twice

c) Multiple times

Mostly As: You are, without a doubt, a one-trip wonder! Sounds like you need a complete break from work and other responsibilities and that you potentially have the time, money and effort to make it happen. Consider a resort like La Montagne, Bushmen’s Neck or Magalies Park as they offer plenty of opportunities for long-term relaxation and family-filled experiences.

Mostly Bs: You are reasonably neutral and could go either way; one big holiday or multiple minibreaks. Your travel plans depend on your schedule, budget and personal preferences. Consider mixing things up – take a big trip one year and minibreaks the next.

Mostly Cs: You are the perfect candidate for multiple mini-breaks. Taking a break from routine is important to you, but you prefer to keep things simple and not spend too much time planning. Consider self-catering destinations, like Chaka’s Rock Chalets and Riveria Suites, with a mix of relaxation and activities.

"Regardless of the route you choose, ensure that your decision is based on what works best for you. Each option has its advantages, but one thing they share is the potential to create lasting magical memories with your loved ones," concludes Shaun.

Read the latest issue of TRAVEL digital magazine here.