Just Arrived

Published Dec 23, 2015


These are the books our books editor received recently. They may be reviewed later


Now Following You

by Fiona Snyckers (Modjaji)

Jamie Burchell’s life revolves around her social media accounts. She Instagrams, Tweets and Facebooks everything she does.

But letting everyone know your every move has its downside – a stalker starts using social media to track Jamie’s movements. As his actions become more threatening, so Jamie becomes more fearful – and this she shares as well – on a blog.

What she doesn’t expect is that this blog is becoming more and more popular as readers lap up all the details of her fear and anxiety.

Suddenly the blog is bringing her closer to achieving her dream of becoming a writer.

Jamie is forced to weigh up taking herself off-line to ensure her safety or soldier on and refuse to be intimidated.

Fiona Snyckers is one of my favourite South African writers. I loved her Trinity series and can’t wait to start reading her latest offering.


Mr Smiley: My Last Pill and Testament

by Howard Parks (Pan Macmillan)

Howard Marks is apparently the most famous drug smuggler of his age.

After being released from prison, he made a promise to himself to go straight.

No more drugs, no more smuggling.

So he retired to a quiet life with his family in Spain.

It didn’t quite work out that way.

This is his story.

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