Guest told to leave wedding because she couldn’t pay for expensive dinner and wanted McDonald’s instead

Wedding guest refused to pay for dinner. Picture: Unsplash Jordan Arnold

Wedding guest refused to pay for dinner. Picture: Unsplash Jordan Arnold

Published Mar 6, 2023


I haven’t been to a wedding in a long time, so I think I’m missing something.

Since when do guests have to pay to attend a wedding?

Is this the norm these days?

This Reddit user was a guest at a wedding that she was told had no guest fee, but was in for quite a nasty surprise when she got to the reception.

She took to the AITA group to share her embarrassing and infuriating experience.

Before attending her colleague’s wedding she asked her if there was any guest fee, to which the bride-to-be responded: “No, you don't need to pay me anything.”

However, on the wedding day, at dinner time, she was presented with a wedding menu that had prices on it.

“Everything was ridiculously expensive, including the vegetarian options,” said the wedding guest.

“At first, I wanted to question her because, well, she lied to me that I didn’t have to pay for anything. But it was her wedding and I didn’t want to spoil her day by embarrassing her in front of everyone.”

Because she hadn’t taken enough money with her to the wedding, she could not afford to pay for dinner, so her only option was not to eat at all.

However, there was a McDonald’s close to the venue and she thought she could simply pop out for a quick bite.

“As tactfully as I could, I asked the bride if I could make a quick stop at McDonald’s as I didn’t bring enough money for the reception meal. I said that I’d be back in time for the gift ceremony and cake,” she shared.

This did not go down well with the bride.

“I thought she’d agree, but to my horror she got really upset. She said that she put in so much effort to get this ‘Michelin-star restaurant service’, yet I still wasn’t happy. That I was trying to bring her down by saying that I’d rather eat McDonald’s.”

After explaining to the bride that she felt that she was lied to, the bride responded: “What I meant was there is no attendance fee! You literally assumed that you’d get a free five-course dinner. Wow, you’re cheaper than I thought!”

The bride then asked her to leave the wedding.

She did leave and she did grab a Big Mac on her way home.

Do you think she was the a**hole for not wanting to pay for her dinner and grabbing McDonald’s instead? Or is the bride a bridezilla for expecting her guests to pay for an expensive dinner?