Adrenalin SA’s amapiano remake of classic Hindi song, ‘Woh Chali’, is a hit with music lovers

Rapper Adrenalin SA. Picture: Supplied

Rapper Adrenalin SA. Picture: Supplied

Published May 24, 2024


South African rapper Adrenalin SA (real name Justin Govender) has captured the hearts of music-lovers with his newly released track, “Woh Chali”.

The rapper has taken the 2010 classic song, “Woh Chali”, by Bombay Vikings, and fused it with an amapiano beat to create a single that’s catchy, fun and nostalgic.

Adrenalin SA previously created two other fusion tracks, one of which includes the Tamil song, “Yeh Macha Indhe”, which came with stunning visuals.

“We have two previous fusion song with an amapiano beat. At that point, we only wanted to stop, it was enough for us, until one day I was listening to my playlist and ‘Woh Chali’ came on, and I just thought that it’s such a universally loved song, but it’s so underrated.

“It’s a staple for a lot of us in Indian households, so I decided to do one more to end the trilogy.”

Adrenalin SA. Picture: Supplied

Produced by Kaybee_thegoat, with vocals by the rapper, the new track offers listeners a twist between Hindi and English lyrics with an amapiano beat.

“It took us two months to get to something we were happy with, so from a production perspective, we just couldn’t get the right sound at the time. We played with a lot of ideas before we settled on this,” he said.

The track has gained major traction from music-lovers all over the country.

“The reactions vary. But we have a lot of nostalgic comments and praise coming through.

“It reminds people of their childhood or of a specific time in their life where things were simpler. That’s what we wanted to achieve, so we are hitting the mark.

“The fusion was targeted at South Africans as a whole. I know how much Indians love their culture, but that being said, we also identify as South African.

Adrenalin SA. Picture: Supplied

“I feel that, sometimes, there is a certain sense of belonging we miss in our country. Kaybee and I sat and thought about how to make something that is tangible for everybody, and we came up with doing these fusion songs, because although we proud of our heritage and culture, we are also proud to be South African and we want to share that with others.

“That’s what diversity is about. We wanted to make something for everybody.”

The rapper, who found himself in a difficult place a few years ago, has since regained his confidence and pushed his brand to the next level.

“My life, in terms of music, has changed dramatically. I feel like I am in a completely different place compared to where I was three years ago.

“I’ve since performed at the ICC and the Lyric Theatre with Prev Reddy. All of it, to me, has been a culmination of belief and being able to translate what I want to achieve into my music.

“The amount of people that are supporting the movement we’ve created. The brand, over the last three years, has grown and keeps on growing in a positive manner.

“Of course, you will get detractors but, currently, we are in that mid-phase, where to some people we are fairly new, but to others we are well-known. So, trying to navigate those waters has been an experience and a journey.”

He said fans could look forward to more of their music during the year.

Adrenalin SA. Picture: Supplied

“There is a lot of work from now until the end of the year that’s still to come. I’ve been releasing music since 2010/2011, and my music is scattered all over the net somewhere.

“Some people find stuff that’s from when I was very young and ask: ‘Hey is this you?’ So, somewhere deep down in the achieves of the internet, there are my songs that people have never heard. Currently, I have my music on all the music streaming platforms.”

To his supporters, he shared: “I’m grateful to everybody that supports us. We see everything and we feel everything. I hope they continue to support us, share and like, even though it’s a few minutes of their day, to me it means a lifetime of success or no success at all.

“So when they listen to the song, to me it’s classification to know that we made art that people appreciate.”