Miss Wheelchair SA jets off to represent country in Mexico

Tamelyn Geneview Bock. Picture: Supplied

Tamelyn Geneview Bock. Picture: Supplied

Published Oct 20, 2022


Cape Town - Miss Wheelchair SA is getting ready to jet off to represent the country at the international Miss Wheelchair World competition in Mexico.

Tamelyn Bock, 26, from the Northern Cape, wears the inaugural crown for South Africa, and aims to participate in the international competition to inspire women who share her vision of inclusivity.

Bock departs on Thursday at 11:30pm from Cape Town International Airport.

Born with spinal atrophy, a genetic condition that affects the nerves and weakens the muscles, Bock has used a wheelchair since age eight.

For her, the opportunity to compete in the Miss Wheelchair World 2022 competition is a dream come true.

She said it gave her a chance to showcase that beauty has no barriers, and change the perceptions and narrative for disabled women in Southern Africa and globally.

Her trip is being sponsored by Tourvest, in partnership with Universal Accessibility Hub.

Shama Nathoo, Managing Director and Founder of UAHub attests to the significance of this landmark event.

“This is a momentous occasion to ensure the chant of ‘leaving no one behind’ stays alive for years leading to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) commitment and ensure that people with disabilities are integrated in all life experiences,” said Nathoo.

Bock said: “My challenges are many but my purpose is to speak up, inspire and trust that God has a plan for me. I have enjoyed creating and raising awareness about universal access in public spaces, promoting inclusivity and giving motivational talks at schools on not letting your impairment define you and your family.”

Vote for Bock on Miss Wheelchair World’s Facebook page by responding to the photo and sharing the link.

Cape Times

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