Letter: DA doing nothing to help the majority

No political party deserves my vote, most especially the DA, says the writer.

No political party deserves my vote, most especially the DA, says the writer.

Published Mar 22, 2023


By S E Thomas

Cape Town - So the DA members of the City of Cape Town (CoCT) are all patting themselves on their collective backs for the wonderful job they did in the city on Monday.

They are boasting about how many tyres they collected. How many EFF posters they removed from lampposts and how the said party has to pay for each, allegedly illegal, poster which, they, the CoCT had diligently removed.

Why does this same municipality not use that same zeal to improve the lives of people living in townships, in squatter camps, in overcrowded houses?

Houses built in areas like Bonteheuwel, Manenberg, Mitchells Plain, Hanover Park, etc, by the then governing apartheid national government, for people forcibly removed from their homes that are in the areas which they, today, chose to protect.

The leafy, green suburbs where a certain race of people were able to buy up homes previously owned, or rented, by those now living in fear of their lives because of the crime rate on the Cape Flats and elsewhere.

Why not send their groups of workers, eager to bring down any black-run party; why not send them in to get rid of crime in the areas where people were forced to live.

I am so sick of how the DA think that they are doing such great work in Cape Town. Keeping their supporters happy, but actually doing nothing that matters to the majority living in this area. How they are always wanting to move the homeless out of sight.

The day you show real change, then you can pat yourselves on your collective, mostly pale, backs. No political party deserves my vote, most especially the DA.

Cape Times

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