WATCH: Nota Baloyi calls Trevor Noah out: ‘Stop using us to get ahead’

Nota Baloyi. Picture: Supplied

Nota Baloyi. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 8, 2023


Controversial media personality Nota Baloyi has taken on comedian Trevor Noah after claiming that Noah is “using black people to get ahead”.

Baloyi shared his opinion in a video clip which caused debate among X (formerly Twitter) users this week.

The video shared by @ThisIsColbert was captioned: “Trevor Noah must stop using blacks to get ahead, he was used as a tool to destroy Jacob Zuma’s reputation: NOTA 😭😭😭 The successful music exec says ‘Fcvk you’ to anyone who defends Trevor Noah 😢”

A heated Baloyi said: “Anyone who defends Trevor Noah, you are racist, f-you, you hate black people because Trevor Noah is not black.

“Trevor Noah stop talking on black people dog, you’re not black, your mother is black but you’re not, you’re not Jewish.

“Your blackness is not passed down through your mother, you’re a white boy, you’re Belgian, your Father is Belgian, if your father was Zulu you’d be Zulu.

“Stop using us to get ahead with your light skin that gets you ahead.

“You were as a tool to destroy Zuma’s reputation,they paid you so well to destroy Zuma’s reputation, they rewarded you by sending you to Viacom in the States.

“After you were finished with Zuma’s reputation, that gave you a good reputation, you did a good job on Zuma so you can do the same thing on Trump, now that Trump is gone they don’t need you anymore.”

X users took to the comments section.

@Stixology wrote: “People need to understand ethnic grouping comes from your father's side, never the mother. If you father is Zulu, you are Zulu, if he is Xhosa you are Xhosa even if you keep your mother’s surname, there’s no such thing as ‘I am mixed’.”

@LuzukoMngqibisa differed: “Trevor got ahead in life by talking about HIS LIVED experience. His comedy is based on his life. So, where does this, "stop using us" come from…?…ai…”

@DaleGoldsmith7 explained: “im not defending trevor noah but nota must blame the government not trevor noah. if nota was offered so much money im sure he would not refuse it. and yes trevor noah is coloured not black his coloured. and trevor noah represents south africa in america on a daily basis.”

@monch276 wrote: “I’m sorry but I agree with Nota, he’s a tool. I also believe so much in your father’s surname, so long as you are man a side that comes out is that of your forefathers.”