How to soothe sore and tired muscles, naturally

If you’re an avid gym-goer or like to take part in sports, you could be experiencing muscle pain due to working out or injury. Picture:Pexels

If you’re an avid gym-goer or like to take part in sports, you could be experiencing muscle pain due to working out or injury. Picture:Pexels

Published Sep 4, 2023


There are so many reasons why you may be experiencing body aches and pains. Everything from exercise, to lack of exercise, injuries and getting older may play a role.

One thing is certain – no matter where it occurs in the body, pain can make everyday tasks difficult or unpleasant, and can take its toll not just physically, but also mentally.

Sore and tired muscles can be a common occurrence, whether due to intense workouts, physical labour, or even stress. While over-the-counter pain relievers and muscle rubs are readily available, many people prefer natural remedies to alleviate discomfort.

What are some of the most common causes of body aches?

You could be experiencing pain in your muscles or joints for various reasons. If you’re an avid gym-goer or like to take part in sports, you could be experiencing muscle pain due to working out or injury.

And then there are the slightly more complicated causes, like arthritis, inflammation and pinched nerves.

As with any health concern, it’s always best to consult your healthcare practitioner before self-diagnosing or treating, to rule out any underlying or more serious issues.

Muscle pain that affects a small part of your body is usually caused by overuse -- sore arms from lifting boxes all day, for example. Or it could be a minor injury, like a bruised shoulder after a fall.

How to treat pain naturally

You know where your pain is originating from, there are various ways of relieving it. If you prefer to treat pain naturally, there are various things you can do that don’t have any side effects:

Hot and cold packs

Heat and cold therapy are simple yet effective methods for muscle relaxation and pain relief. Apply a hot compress (such as a bean bag) to the area for 20 minutes. Immediately follow with an ice pack for another 20 minutes.

Epsom salt soak:

Epsom salt, rich in magnesium sulphate, has long been used for its muscle-relaxing properties. Dissolve a generous amount of Epsom salt in warm bathwater and soak in it for 20-30 minutes.

The magnesium in Epsom salt can help reduce muscle tension, ease soreness, and promote overall relaxation.

Gentle stretching and yoga:

Engaging in gentle stretching exercises or practising yoga can help relieve muscle soreness and improve flexibility.

Focus on stretching the specific muscle groups that feel tight or sore. Incorporating yoga poses like Child's Pose, Downward Dog, and Cobra can also provide relief and promote muscle recovery.

Massage therapy

Massage therapy is a well-known method for relieving muscle tension and promoting relaxation. You can either visit a professional massage therapist or perform self-massage techniques at home.

Use your hands, a foam roller, or a massage ball to apply gentle pressure to the affected muscles, gradually working out any knots or tightness.

Herbal remedies

Earthsap muscle rub increases blood flow to the area which aids healing, plus it goes a long way in offering instant relief. Certain herbs and essential oils possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help soothe sore muscles.

Additionally, essential oils like lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus can be diluted and applied to the skin for a soothing and cooling effect.


Rest is crucial for muscle recovery. Ensure you are getting enough sleep each night to allow your muscles to repair and rejuvenate.

Avoid overexertion and listen to your body's signals, giving yourself ample time to rest and recover between workouts or physically demanding activities.

Stay hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for muscle health and recovery. Drinking enough water helps flush out toxins, prevents muscle cramps, and promotes optimal muscle function.

Make it a habit to drink water throughout the day, especially before and after physical activity.

When it comes to soothing sore and tired muscles, natural remedies can provide effective relief without the need for medications. Incorporating a few home tricks into your routine can help alleviate muscle aches.