'We cannot abandon Edna’, say road trippers as they decline dealership offer

Spence takes a picture with their car Edna. Picture: Instagram

Spence takes a picture with their car Edna. Picture: Instagram

Published May 22, 2024


Road trippers Karen, James and Spence have declined Toyota South Africa’s offer for a new vehicle to continue their journey from London to Cape Town.

The trio who are back on the road and travelling through Nigeria to get Cameroon shared with netizens and followers that they were not prepared to part ways with their Toyota Hilux, Edna.

“Big thank you to @toyota_sa for offering to help out with a new car ❤️ BUT we need Edna to get to Cape Town and will try our best to get her fixed!” said the group on their Instagram stories.

Toyota SA offered the group a car to continue their expedition through Africa after Edna broke down with her chassis requiring repairs.

This prompted the group to ask for donations to help get the car fixed with the likelihood of abandoning their journey if it couldn’t be done.

“We cannot abandon Edna! 🚗 She is our mother and one of the crew. We started the journey with her and we aim to complete the journey with her. We can’t give up on her now. She is struggling but she will get through this 💪,” added the road trippers.

They also thanked followers for heeding their call and providing assistance. Edna is back on the road and the group is being escorted by heavily armed security in Nigeria as their make their way to Cameroon.

Netizens on social media platforms were divided on the group’s position of declining Toyota’s offer.

@DrMusaMthombeni said: “I don’t know what to say then… They want to continue with Edna. Clearly they don’t want to survive. What mess is this? Why do they need Edna so bad? I need that car stopped at the border for a safety check.”

— DrMusa (@DrMusaMthombeni) May 21, 2024

@mbalenhle_d added: “Wanting to fix a car with that much damage in a foreign country is crackhead behaviour.”

@TBABY_336 said: “Edna had modifications they required for the trip thats why it was best to get her fixed. London to Capetown trip.”

While @Manelisi_Biya added: “If the London to Cape Town guys are truly genuine I get why they wouldn’t take a new car from Toyota. The whole point is not JUST getting to Cape Town but it’s to get there in the same car they left London in.

“If Toyota offered to help fix Edna they would have probably said yes.