The most effective natural home treatments for easing period pain

A typical symptom both before and during a period is menstrual cramps. Cramps are mostly benign, but in certain cases they could be a sign of something more serious. Picture: Pexels.

A typical symptom both before and during a period is menstrual cramps. Cramps are mostly benign, but in certain cases they could be a sign of something more serious. Picture: Pexels.

Published Sep 15, 2023


When a woman is menstruating, her uterus contracts, forcing the lining away from the uterine wall so that it can leave the body through the vagina, these contractions may hurt or be uncomfortable. They're commonly referred to as cramps.

The majority of women who are menstruating suffer lower abdominal cramps, though the pain can also spread to the lower back, groin, or upper thighs. Menstrual cramps typically worsen at the start of a period and become better during the next few days.

When you're menstruating, it's typical to have soreness in the areas of your lower back, thighs, and belly. Your womb's muscles tense and relax throughout your period to aid in shedding extra lining.

Cramps can occur occasionally and indicate that your muscles are active. Additionally, some people may encounter headaches, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting.

Why some women who menstruate feel unpleasant symptoms while others do not is a mystery to doctors. The South African Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (SASOG) states that a variety of home treatments, such as the following, can ease menstruation cramps:

Have an orgasm

Menstrual cramps may be relieved by having an orgasm. The uterus contracts during an orgasm and then relaxes. This might minimise the severity of menstrual cramps.

Similar to physical activity, having an orgasm causes the production of endorphins and other pain-relieving hormones, which makes one feel wonderful.

Do a little workout

Even though most individuals don't want to exercise when they have cramps, it might help to reduce pain. If someone is in pain, vigorous exercise might not be helpful, but light stretching, a walk, or yoga may be therapeutic.

Endorphins, the body's own natural painkillers, are also released during exercise.

According to Medical News Today, a Taiwanese study found that twice-weekly yoga courses for 12 weeks helped study participants' menstrual pains.

Abdominal massage

The pelvic muscles can also be relaxed, and cramps can be relieved by self-massage or receiving a massage. To aid with this procedure, people might gently massage coconut oil, body lotion, or massage oil into their skin.

For people with menstrual cramps, massaging the belly with essential oils may have extra advantages. Rosemary, Roman chamomile, clary sage, and peppermint oils may be useful for treating cramps, according to a 2015 review article in Science Direct.

For a powerful abdominal self-massage, people can experiment with adding a few drops of at least one of these essential oils to a carrier oil.

Warm up the abdominal area

A heating pad or hot water bottle applied to the belly might help to relax the muscles and ease cramps. Heat may lessen cramping and discomfort by relaxing the uterine muscle and those nearby.

A heating pad can also be used to the lower back to relieve back discomfort. Another choice is to take a warm bath, which helps ease the tension in your legs, back, and abdomen.

Consider dietary adjustments

Dietary adjustments could lessen cramping during the menstrual cycle. The body can remain healthy by consuming a balanced diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean meats, and whole grains. Increasing your fluid intake will aid in keeping your body hydrated.

Muscle cramping is frequently brought on by dehydration.

Herbal teas are comforting and warm, and in some situations, the herbs themselves may also have health benefits.

Certain teas, including chamomile, dandelion, red raspberry, and fennel teas, are purported to ease menstruation cramps, according to certain makers. There isn't much data to back this up, though.

Menstrual cramps can be brought on by hormonal changes that have an impact on the digestive system. Changes in diet made temporarily might frequently make these symptoms go away.

Making a diet high in fibre and low in oils and refined carbohydrates a priority will aid in better digestion and ease abdominal pain.

If home cures do not relieve cramps or if a person is suffering particularly severe cramping, they may want to speak with a doctor. To handle the symptoms, a doctor may advise trying more at-home cures or may prescribe drugs, such as birth control pills or specific types of painkillers.

Other signs that may indicate the need to see a doctor include very heavy bleeding, cramps that worsen with age or with time, excruciating pain, or cramps that interfere with daily activities.

These signs could point to an underlying illness for which a doctor can recommend a successful course of treatment.