Transformational coach shares her advice on how to stick to your wellness goals this year

Holistic Transformational Coach Claudia van Schalkwyk. Self-experimentation has led her to a remarkable personal transformation into a plant-based lifestyle. Picture: Supplied

Holistic Transformational Coach Claudia van Schalkwyk. Self-experimentation has led her to a remarkable personal transformation into a plant-based lifestyle. Picture: Supplied

Published Feb 19, 2024


As we are in February, it's no surprise that many of us have already waved goodbye to our New Year's resolutions.

Research by John C Norcross from the University of Scranton shows that a quarter of resolution-makers give up after just a week, and only 19% stick to their goals for two years.

In recognising the setbacks that often come with ambitious resolutions, Nuts About Cooking, a brand of coconut oil and non-stick spray made from Mozambique-grown coconuts, turned to holistic transformational coach, Claudia van Schalkwyk, for her guidance on sticking to wellness goals set at the beginning of the year.

“I always tell my clients that to make a lasting impact on their well-being, they should take things slow and steady,” says Van Schalkwyk.

“The problem is, we didn't develop our habits overnight, so why do we expect change to happen immediately? We need to be more patient with ourselves.”

Van Schalkwyk has organised the brand's 21-day Health Reboot Challenge, serving as an excellent starting point for those seeking positive changes.

The challenge aims to inspire participants to make mindful decisions while offering practical resources, including workout routines, meal plans, and recipes, some featuring coconut oil to highlight its versatility.

Coconut oil has earned a place as a favourite among many in the wellness and fitness community due to its vegan-friendly nature. Picture: Tijana Drndarski /Unsplash

Coconut oil has earned a place as a favourite among many in the wellness and fitness community due to its vegan-friendly nature and beneficial medium-chain triglycerides.

Coconut oil has been associated with several potential wellness benefits, although it's important to note that individual results may vary.

Some proven or suggested benefits of coconut oil in wellness include:

Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs): Coconut oil contains high levels of MCTs, which are believed to be easily digested and can be used as a quick source of energy, potentially aiding in weight management and improved athletic performance.

Heart health: While more research is needed, some studies suggest that the MCTs in coconut oil may have a positive impact on cholesterol levels and could potentially promote heart health.

Skin and hair care: Coconut oil is a popular natural remedy for skin and hair care. It is believed to have moisturising properties, making it beneficial for dry skin and hair. It is also used in some cultures as a natural sunscreen and for oil pulling, a traditional oral hygiene practice.

Antimicrobial properties: The lauric acid in coconut oil has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, potentially helping to combat bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Some people use coconut oil for oil pulling as a natural way to improve oral hygiene.

Cooking and baking: Coconut oil is a versatile cooking oil and baking ingredient. Its stability at high temperatures makes it suitable for cooking methods like sautéing and frying, and its mild, sweet flavour makes it a popular choice in various recipes.

How to stay on track

Van Schalkwyk shares her top tips on how to stay motivated and stay committed to our wellness goals:

Set an intent for your day: If you start your day in this focused way, it will help you make choices that honour that intention.

Don’t set unrealistic goals: Attainable daily goals put us on a positive path and help ensure that we never feel like we’ve failed.

Fear of the unknown will always cripple our motivation to stay focused on our goals: Your energy flows where your focus goes, so don’t allow fear of the unknown to stop you from becoming a better version of yourself.

Accept your body: Transformation can only happen once we accept our own foundation.

Don’t compare yourself to anyone, especially on social media: Focus on elevating your foundation and working on achieving your own goals.

Your mind is the biggest muscle you will ever build: Focus on renewing your mind daily through journalling.

Don’t follow strict diets: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and stay hydrated.

Movement is key to your overall well-being: Find something that you can have fun with and notice how it becomes a lifestyle rather than a chore.

Be patient and gentle with yourself: We as humans have a microwave mentality – we want things to happen quickly but change can take time.

Join the 21-day health reboot challenge

Are you ready to hit refresh on your wellness journey? Van Schalkwyk and Nuts About Cooking have launched a transformative initiative, the 21-Day Health Reboot Challenge, aimed at helping individuals reset and refocus on their well-being.

This valuable resource is available at no cost and will empower participants to make mindful choices for their bodies and minds.

The challenge stands as a supportive platform, fostering guidance, mentorship and assistance with positive lifestyle changes, all under the expert support of Van Schalkwyk.

With a solid foundation in physiology and anatomy, Van Schalkwyk's extensive 7-year dedication to research, study, and self-experimentation has led her to a remarkable personal transformation into a plant-based lifestyle.

Ready to embark on this journey? Join the reboot challenge today by visiting: