NSRI Gordons Bay confirms death of a man at a beach near Naval Base

Photographer Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

Photographer Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

Published Feb 19, 2024


The NSRI Gordons Bay has confirmed the death of a 25-year-old man who is believed to have drowned at the beach next to Gordons Bay Main Beach (next to the Gordons Bay Naval Base) on Sunday.

The NSRI Gordons Bay crew said they responded to the NSRI Gordons Bay station 9 rescue base to prepare to launch rescue craft while rescue swimmers responded directly to the scene, and the City of Cape Town (CoCT)water rescue network was alerted.

NSRI spokesperson Craig Lambinon said: “CoCT lifeguards, on duty at Gordons Bay Main Beach, had reportedly also just arrived on the scene from their neighbouring duty beach and they confirmed that an adult male was out of the water. He had been rescued by a group of swimmers who had reportedly noticed the man not moving in the water and they had entered the water to rescue the man.

“The lifeguards initiated CPR efforts and raised the alarm.

“The SAPS, Cape Town Fire and Rescue Services, GB Med sec ambulance services, WC Government Health EMS, ER24 ambulance services and CoCT Law Enforcement responded.”

Lambinon said that despite extensive efforts by paramedics to resuscitate the 25-year-old man, from Athlone, he was declared dead.

“Family, who had been nearby at Main Beach at the time, were taken into the care of police.

“The body of the man has been taken into the care of Government Health Forensic Pathology Services.

“Condolences are conveyed to family and friends of the deceased man.”

Lambinon also said it cannot be confirmed at this early stage whether the cause was drowning.

“The eyewitnesses and friends, who rescued the man from the water, are commended for their efforts,” he added.