‘Selling the OC’ season 3 is by far the most vapid in the franchise

Tyler Stanaland, Sean Palmieri, Gio Helou, Alex Hall, Alexandra Jarvis, Polly Brindle, Jason Oppenheim and Brett Oppenheim in “Selling the OC’ season 3”. Picture: Netflix

Tyler Stanaland, Sean Palmieri, Gio Helou, Alex Hall, Alexandra Jarvis, Polly Brindle, Jason Oppenheim and Brett Oppenheim in “Selling the OC’ season 3”. Picture: Netflix

Published May 23, 2024


I’ve been a die-hard fan of the “Selling Sunset” series and its spin-off, “Selling the OC”, for several seasons.

It has been addictive as it interweaves high-end real estate deals with the personal lives of the glamorous agents of the Oppenheim Group, who look catwalk-ready in every frame.

Streamers have been privy to meltdowns, catfights, romances, breakups, health struggles, fertility issues and so on. Don’t get me started on some of those jaw-dropping fairy-tale weddings.

While I’m a fan of the “Selling Sunset” franchise, the latest instalment of “Selling the OC” has left me rolling my eyes.

It’s the same drama, but a different season. Before I get into it, let’s first look at the previous season, which was giving, with its messy sex tape scandal, fallouts and hookups.

Brandi Marshall was uneasy about Alex Hall’s closeness to Tyler Stanaland following his divorce. Her moral compass didn’t sit well with Alex and their fallout dominated much of the drama.

Former BFFs Alexandra Jarvis and Alexandra Rose parted ways.

Kayla Cardona was chastised for her flirtatious behaviour. Gio Helou was his trademark egotistical self. Austin Victoria and his wife were at odds about extending their family.

Polly Brindle was her usual s***-stirring self, while Sean Palmieri might as well have been invisible for all the personality he brought to the show.

Sean Palmieri, Alexandra Jarvis, Kayla Cardona and Alex Hall in season 3 of “Selling the OC”. | Netflix

This season, old beefs resurface along with new ones. Surprisingly, it’s the guys who bring a lot of the drama.

Sean went from person non grata to an inciter.

He accused Austin and his wife of wanting a threesome with him. And this was after he invited himself over to their home.

He also intimated that there was so much more to Tyler’s lengthy texts to him post his divorce. Looks like the concept of a bromance went over his head.

Adding fuel to the fire, he also went for the jugular when Gio, now a dad, stepped in and called him out on his lies at the Del Mar outing.

Honestly, Sean reminds me of Sane Bhengu from “The Real Housewives of Durban” season 3. Whenever she was confronted with the truth, she either flat-out denied it or said she couldn’t remember doing so.

Sean pretty much did the same. Sadly, Kayla, who stood by him, felt betrayed when his deception was exposed. Brandi and Alexandra “Ali” Harper, who is a regular cast member, were also feeling the same.

But Jarvis stood by Sean. I’m not sure if it was a case of blind loyalty or sheer stupidity. However, given her legal background, she should have chosen better.

Kayla got to play in the major leagues, much to the annoyance of Gio, who felt like he helped her with it.

In landing a multimillion dollar property, her status was growing and so was his frustration.

Brandi exploited her marketing background and pitched a new division, focusing on sports royalty, to Jason Oppenheim and he went for it. However, Polly, who has a client from this world, wasn’t keen to accept Brandi’s help. But she played nice.

Alex Hall and Tyler Stanaland in season 3 of “Selling the OC”. | Netflix

That said, Austin landed a career-making sale, which would bring in a commission that would allow him to purchase his dream home for his wife and girls.

Sadly, he lost out on the opportunity, which put the kibosh on his family’s plans.

Last but certainly not least, there was that annoying will-they-won’t-they-together situation between Alex and Tyler. He wants to have his cake and eat it. Despite Alex having met a guy who she likes and will be going on holiday to Italy with, she’s still holding out for Tyler.

Despite all the mixed signals and his reluctance to move forward, she’s leaving the door open.

That the season ended with another cliffhanger involving the two frustrated me to no end. Not only was it a repeat of season two, but the makers were determined to flog a dead horse.

Can we move on now? Also, can we get a character with more personality than a doorknob (cough Ali)?

If there is to be a fourth season, the group dynamics have to change.

∎ “Selling the OC” is streaming on Netflix.